Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hampton Cole

Hampton you are one! Here are some things I want to remember about you at this moment in time.......

You are super cuddly and affectionate. You love to snuggle and can be very laid back.
You like to play "peek-a-boo"
You have a great appetite. You make a "mmm" sound when we aren't feeding you fast enough.
You have started making this silly face every time we take your picture.

You are crawling great now and are into everything! You somehow know exactly what you shouldn't be getting into and go right to that.
You love to laugh and smile. I think you already have a great sense of humor.
You are sleeping great. You take an hour and half nap in the morning and then a two and a half hour nap in the afternoon.
You are starting to really have separation anxiety.

You love to watch your Everett. Although sometimes it seems he "annoys" you and you squawk at him.
You are 24 pounds and wear 12-18 month clothing.
You love bath time!
You wave your arms every time you hear music, almost as though you are dancing.
You still are taking medicine for the hemangioma on your eye, but soon we will be weaning you have that. So far it isn't affecting your eyesight, so that is such a blessing!
You are going to be a big brother!

Hampton, you are such a joy. What an amazing addition to our family!

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