It was the best of times . . . and well, the BEST of times! Everett got to celebrate his birthday twice. The first party was a couple of weeks ago when my mom and Aunt Jenny came to visit. They wanted to share in his first birthday experience, so we had a
pre-birthday party. I made the c
aterpillar cake featured below. For his second birthday party (on his actual birthday), Gigi came to visit. For this party we had cupcakes as well. We also had Everett's friends Jonah and Silas over for a morning
playdate, which I could not get a good enough picture to post. After Everett's nap, we decided to head to the zoo. This was Everett's first real trip to the zoo and I was surprised how he really took notice of the animals. Of course, he was even more
fascinated by the people. It was at the zoo that we got to test drive his new wagon (thanks Gigi!) which he seemed to enjoy. He thought he was in some sort of parade I think. I can't believe my baby boy is one. All day long on his birthday I was reporting what we were doing exactly one year ago. For example, "Eric, it's 6 am. We just got checked into the hospital!" "Eric, it's 1:40. Time to start pushing!" I guess those details are burned into my memory. It has been such a fun, crazy, exhausting, exciting, wonderful year. I look forward to many more with our sweet boy!