Monday, August 24, 2009

Fun with the Nasal Aspirator

A Fun Weekend

We had a great weekend. Saturday we did some cleaning, but then Everett and I went out shopping. I found him some great shoes for Fall/Winter. Saturday evening we had friends over for dinner. They have two little girls, one Ev's age and a 3 year old. It was fun to see Everett interact with other kids on his "turf." He did great. Sunday we went to church, where Everett made it through the nursery. He is still not playing with the other kids (he just wants to be held) but he is not crying as we are making progress. Sunday afternoon Eric and Ev slept for a few hours....I was so bored! I love having some "me" time, but after about an hour I didn't know what to do with myself! I wanted my boys to wake up and play! After naps, we went and picked up sandwiches and went to a new park. It was cool outside, so we weren't miserable. That evening after Everett went to bed, Eric and I watched "A Time to Kill" which I had never seen. I really enjoyed it. Overall, a weekend of time with the family....which is a perfect weekend in my book :)