Saturday, May 4, 2013


Noni came to visit last weekend. She usually brings a treat or two, and this time she got the children some really fun cards to practice writing letters. Everett is getting better and better with his handwriting.

And Hampton now knows all the sounds to all the letters of the alphabet!

Loving on Thatcher. He is pretty snuggly.

Noni also got Hampton some new underwear.....underwear of his very own!

And Eleanor got a few treats herself. She is obsessed with this hat!

Eleanor is also obsessed with her daddy. Eric had taken all the boys out the other afternoon to the park. When Eleanor woke up, she instantly said, "where the boys?" Since I knew Eric was on his way home, I had her wait at the door for him. When she saw him pull up she started yelling, "Daddy!!" The bowl of blueberries in her hand went flying and she ran to the kitchen door to wait for him. Um, have I mentioned she LOVES her daddy?! It makes my heart so happy.

And finally our big 3 year old is learning to use the potty. He probably could have done this a long time ago, but life just kept getting in the way. We've had more accidents than successes, but I guess there is no turning back now! I am confident he'll get it soon. 

And Eric has been busy doing this......

Eleanor is celebrating the Derby.....

And I am loving on this little baby. He is a mama's boy through and through. 

Nature Hunt

Last week I took the boys on a nature hunt at the arboretum.

I printed out a list and reviewed with them what we were looking for. I was really surprised what they remembered.

They each had their own bag.

Everett was really excited. He is naturally a bit of a scavenger anyways.

And Hampton was happy to try and find things as well. 

Everything is in bloom and it was so beautiful.

The tulips were my favorite.

And my little Thatcher almost slept through the whole adventure! Oh to be an infant and sleep most of the day......

And the boys also got to feed the turtles. This was a real treat for them.

On the way home they fell right asleep. The hunt must have worn them out!