Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Libraries Aren't For Little Boys

At least they aren't for my little boys. Last week I decided to take the boys to the public library. On the way there I explained the "library rules" to Everett-which is really just using an inside voice. In my head Everett would pick out a few books to check-out for the week and we would read quietly for a bit. That didn't happen. The boys were wild-Hampton crawling everywhere and Everett climbing on and under chairs and tables. Just wild. I couldn't help but notice the sweet little girl in the smocked dress and big hair bow reading with her grandma. Sure she was about 6 or 7 but still. I can truly say my children are for the most part well-behaved within reason, especially out in public, but really. Was I expecting too much? I came across an article the past week that was so helpful and encouraging to me. The article was on how parents unknowingly can inhibit their child's play. One way in which I am an offender is by hovering, or helicopter parenting. This is something I am working on: giving more freedom with play, but with reasonable boundaries. Another point was inhibiting play by worrying too much about the mess. I again am an offender of this. Lately I have been trying to let the mess (such as playing with playdough, paint, dirt, sand, etc.) not bother me so much. Truly it has been rewarding. The boys have fun and it is all washable.
Tonight we worked on some landscaping/yard work in our front yard. I wanted to be a part of it and so I brought the boys outside to play. I wasn't sure what they would do exactly, but I put some sidewalk chalk out and had bubbles on standby. Well, the sidewalk chalk was barely touched and we didn't blow bubbles. The boys found plenty to do on their own. Hampton collected twigs and grass and Everett picked dandilions, played in some dirt, and just ran around. Sure they got dirty doing so, but it was a solid hour of fun for them where I was just the facilitator and the one making sure they weren't in danger. And again, a quick bath before bed and they were like new again. Dirt under the fingernails and all. Having children is a continual learning process for me. I realized recently that letting go of some of the stress, the "theories," and just letting them be young boys is so fulfilling and has made life easier.