Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nine Months

Well big boy turned 9 months on Monday. Today was his 9 month well child visit with the nurse practitioner. He was such a good boy and performed all his "tricks" for her so she could check his development. Here are Everett's stats:

Weight: 24.5 pounds (90th percentile)
Height: 28 in. (90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 75th percentile
Hemoglobin: 12.5 Okay, I'll be honest. When the nurse told me this number and I nodded my head and said "Oh great." Then I fessed up and told her I had no idea what that meant. She explained when they ran his blood test the results showed that is iron and other vitamins are great. Most babies hang out at around 11, so he is doing wonderfully!
Motor: Ev is not exactly crawling yet. He has recently started to army crawl and scoot. He definitely gets around, however his tummy is not off the floor yet. He is getting there!
Verbal: Ev is babbling up a storm and produces a lot of different sounds. He has said "mama" and "dada" indiscriminately, yet the other day he looked right at Eric and said, "dada." Yeah Ev! The mama and the speech therapist in me are so proud :)
Teeth: Everett has his two lower teeth now and looks so cute. He loves to get his teeth brushed.
Nutrition: Everett is now eating more table foods. He has mastered the pincer grasp and loves cheerios. The other night he actually ate what we were eating for dinner.
This is actually the best picture I was able to get of Ev and his sign.