Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trouble Makers

I took these pictures on my phone, so the quality is really terrible. However, today I had the boys play upstairs for a little while. They usually aren't up there very often, except to sleep, and we needed a change of scenery. I was doing something in Everett's room and left them to there own devices for a minute. I came back to find them rifling through my bathroom drawers. They are starting now to get into "trouble" together! They take turns as ring leader. I am so happy they have each other and I pray their relationship continues to grow stronger......even in the mischief!

12 Month Stats

Just for memory's sake, I wanted to record Hampton's 12 month stats. He had his well-baby visit yesterday.......

-Hampton weighs almost 25 pounds and is in the 75th percentile for his weight. I looked back at Everett's stats and he weighed almost 28 pounds and was in the 90th percentile for weight. Big boys!
-Hampton is in between the 75th and 90th percentile for height.
-Hampton is in the 98th percentile for head circumference. The nurse measured his head and recorded the number. The pediatrician didn't believe it and had to do it himself. Sure enough, it was accurate. The baby's got a big head! Just must be a big brain in there!
-Hampton is crawling around like a pro. He has gotten really fast and makes this cute panting noise when he sees something he wants. He can stand and hold onto furniture without assistance, however is not cruising yet. He also takes steps when you hold his hands.
-Hampton's fine motor skills were great! He is doing everything he is supposed to be doing.
-Communication and social skills are excellent. He babbles at us like he is having a conversation. He also points at what he wants and started to wave. He has this new game of giving us an object and then taking it back. So cute. He has two consistent words- "baba" for bottle and "ball." He was saying "dada" but I haven't heard that one in awhile. He is doing well at imitation.
-He stills has his hemangioma on his eye, but it is still not affecting his overall eyesight. The doctor said it will now start to regress, however very slowly. It could take a few years to minimize. I have gotten so used to it and I am thankful it is not affecting him physiologically. It is just a part of Hampton for now!
-Overall Hampton is a healthy baby. He is now completely off formula (he had to be weened from nursing at 10 months when I got pregnant) and is drinking whole milk. He drinks his milk from a sippy and is doing really well. For the most part he is completely on table food as well. He loves bananas, sweet potatoes, puffs, cheese, veggie nuggets, and jelly sandwiches.
-Hampton still takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. He sleeps at night from 7pm-7am. He is a great sleeper surprisingly (he did not sleep well as a newborn!).
-Hampton loves to play, but what I love is that he is a cuddler. He strokes my face and loves to play with Eric's hair. He is my chubby, bald baby and such a great addition to our family. I always catch Everett telling him how much he loves him and it completely melts my heart!