Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Adventure with the Littles

A few days ago, while Everett was at school, my littlest three and I…and Gigi, went on a Christmas adventure. We went to the Grove Park Inn for their Annual Gingerbread House competition. Everett went with us later, as it was an advent activity. We had a fun morning in our Christmas wear, soaking in all things Christmas. Also, I seriously think the GPI pumps cinnamon through their air vents. It was delicious.


Babies At Play

I have said it many times before, but my absolute favorite times are the moments we share just playing at home. Those memories are the ones I hold most dear. Sometimes play has to be initiated by mommy, and other times they initiate the play on their own. Sometimes they want me to be involved-and other times they are more content playing on their own. Everett plays well on his own, however needs more "help" knowing what to play. Hampton initiates play on his own very well, but almost always needs a play partner. Eleanor initiates play on her own and usually likes playing on her own (although she almost always is willing to play with mommy). And Thatcher-I'm not sure yet. We'll just have to see as his personality continues to emerge and develop. Overall though, the children play hard.


Snow Day

A couple of weeks ago we were blessed to get just enough snow to play in. The children were so excited. And, getting small children all in winter gear is not for the faint of heart.


Sweet baby decided to not brave the cold and play inside with his nativity set instead.

More Thanksgiving Things

Making pumpkin pie play dough…...
Making turkey ornaments…..
Creating puppets and then putting on a puppet show…..
Everett and Daddy coming up with names for all the puppets.
Afternoon hot cocoa dates….