He weighs 21 pounds and is in the 95th percentile for weight.
I am not sure of his height, but he is in the 95th percentile.
He is in the 95th percentile for head circumference. The doctor kept commenting on his rolls and big head!
He is eating solids now (3 times a day) and loves it! Hampton's love language we decided is food.
He is almost sitting up on his own.
He loves to play with toys now.
He is sleeping through the night.
Hampton loves to be snuggled and cuddle. I love it too.
Everett can throw Hampton into fits of laughter. They have a love for each other already that brings me to tears, I am so happy. I brought Hampton to a different doctor last week by himself and he did not like riding in the car without his brother, he whined the whole time.
He is 98% of the time content.
He loves to be sung to.
I love this baby. He is a great addition to our family!