Monday, November 4, 2013

Trick or Treat!

We had another fun year trick or treating. It just keeps getting better and better. We let the children pick out their costumes this year so we ended up with a Spiderman, Jake the pirate, Izze the pirate, and a monkey (picked by mama). They loved it! We went again with our friends the Mertens. This marked our third year.


We ended up with a TON of candy and some very excited children. SO fun!

Big Man

Everett loves to talk about when he is a "big man" one day. According to him, he's going to have a beard, wear contacts, and have cards (debit cards). I think he wants to be just like his Daddy. So for the past couple of months he's also been asking for a tie. I find him one and I think it so suits him. He loves it!


Lego Land at the Arboretum

We stumbled upon a little treasure at the arboretum a couple weeks ago.....sculptures made completely of Legos! Our boys LOVE Legos and play with them for hours, so this was a real treat.

An excited Everett. It took a while for them to process that those were Legos.
Sweet Eleanor was thrilled as well.
Oh we love the arboretum in the Fall.
It's just a gorgeous place to run and explore.
This one was especially neat.
We spotted four little pumpkins-how fitting!

We had such a fun afternoon at the arboretum. We love it anyways, but add in Legos-perfect!