Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cabin in the Woods

Last week I, along with my mom, Everett, Hampton, my sister, a my sister's boyfriend went to Gatlinburg, TN for a little getaway. We rented the same cabin that Eric, his mom, and Everett and I went to when Everett was only 3 months old.

The first night we were there we went to a restaurant called Calhouns. Everett really took to Jed.

We went out to a lot of restaurants and the boys did so well! We don't really ever take them out to eat, but now I think we are ready to venture out again.

The next day my mom and I took the boys to the aquarium. It was really nice and they had fun.

This is as close to a bear that we got.

The following day we went out to eat again at another restaurant and then drove to a place called Cade's Cove. It took awhile to get there on a long, winding mountain road.....but it was worth it. We took a driving tour and saw a ton of deer and some turkeys. No bears though.

We also did a little shopping out an outdoor village. Actually, most of the stores were closed. I did find a very cute diaper bag though and had it monogrammed.

Hampton pulling my hair.....again.

On the way back from Cades Cove we stopped and took some pictures in front of a waterfall.

Overall it was a fun trip. I was so pleased that the boys slept together in the same room (their first time) and did so well. I actually think their little noises comforted each other. That definitely gives me hope for the future when they share a room. I am exhausted, but it was fun.

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