Friday, August 20, 2010

Potty Like A Rock Star

So I gathered my supplies early this week. I got a gallon of fruit punch, cleaning items, a bag of M&M's, a pack of Thomas the Train underwear, and a potty seat. I was motivated. I was determined. Everett was going to be potty trained! This was a parenting task I have dreaded for a long time. I thought however that unless I was intentional about doing it, I was going to keep putting it off. I often underestimate Ev, and today he proved me wrong again. He is very capable of learning how this whole potty thing worked and he surprised me.

Last night I moved our playroom upstairs to the living room. I put out some of his toys, got the cleaning supplies ready, strategically placed the potty seat....Everett however woke up in a mood. He did not want to wear underwear and kept asking for "diaper change." About three sippy cups of fruit punch later he finally pottied and just happened to be sitting on his seat! I cheered and he got an M&M. He had another success after that. The whole morning was a series of successes and accidents. He never told me he had to potty, I just happened to catch it.

By nap I was exhausted. Also, it was tough having to care for Hampton and watch Everett like a hawk. I was so tired of saying, "Do you have to go potty?"all day long. And I will spare you the details of the poop extravaganza. Yuck. By the time Eric got home I was ready for him to take over for a bit. While I was running an errand, Eric reported three successes which is great. We plan on staying home for the next few days to continue to train. I am so proud of Everett. I think he is going to get it!

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