Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Heart Hampton

Hampton went yesterday to the pediatric cardiologist. The purpose of the visit was to see if he could handle taking a beta blocker in order to treat the hemangioma on his eye. He had an EKG and the doctor did a thorough exam. He also was weighed and is 20 pounds! He did so well! It turns out he has a heart murmur and there was something on his EKG that showed maybe a slight enlargement of one of the chambers, however he passed. The doctor said he thought he could handle the medication, so we will start him on it tomorrow. We'll go back in a week for a heart echo and to see if we can up the dosage. Please pray he does well with the medication and that there are no complications. Please also pray that it is effective and that he does not have to be on it long.

I have to note that big brother did so well during the appointment. He kept himself very busy!

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