Sunday, November 18, 2012

My Everett

I know that these "little years" are precious and few. So I wanted to write a post of what I want to remember about Everett at age 4.

Everett is a very energetic and witty little boy. Some of the things he says are so smart and make me laugh. He knows he can be funny too. I love that.
We joke (however are serious) that Everett is our "neediest" child. He is a bit high maintenance and can spout off a list of his demands in a matter of seconds. He is a child who knows what he wants and how he wants it.
Everett is very emotional. He can go from super happy to super distraught very easily. Thankfully he is also very reasonable. He is a good negotiator.
Everett is getting better and better at warming up to new situations. He has made such improvements with his ability to transition. He never cries now when being dropped off at preschool.
Speaking of preschool, Everett's teacher has recently reported he is coming out of his shell and talking much more in the classroom. He gets a stamp everyday for good behavior and his teacher has told me he is one of the best behaved in the class. So happy to hear that!
Although Everett may have few words in preschool, he is very verbal at home! I am surprised everyday at home his language has blossomed. He has an extensive vocabulary and talks non-stop!
Speaking of speech, Everett has had some "bumpy" speech. He stutters a bit and I have been working on "smooth and easy" speech with him for awhile. Thankfully stuttering has not hindered him in any way. He still communicates great and it does not seem to phase him at all.
Everett has recently shown an interest in drawing. He likes to draw all sorts of funny characters on his doodle pad.
Everett has always had an ear for music. He loves pieces from The Nutcracker and anything Beatles.
Everett has been recently very helpful in "reporting" to us about his brother and sister. For example, "Eleanor is playing in the potty" and "Hampton is naked." Okay that last statement may have sounded funny, but this morning that's what Everett came and told us. Sure enough, we went into the boys room to find Hampton naked. Not sure why or when he had stripped, but Everett let us know!
Everett and Hampton continue to have a growing friendship. After we turn out the lights at bedtime we hear them talking and giggling.
Everett has a crazy imagination and needs very little toys in order to entertain himself. He has always been so creative and it is fun to watch.
My Everett is the one who made me a mama. Although he can be a challenge at times with his emotional personality and stubborn self, he is and always has been such a joy to parent. I just love my Evy boy.


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