Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today we greeted the morning with toast and jam and smiles. We have been talking to Everett about waking up with a "happy heart" as opposed to whines and demands. He is slowly learning. I was able to get a lot of chores accomplished this morning in between art projects and reading books. Later in the morning we then went to story time at the library. Both boys were a bit clingy and it was actually Eleanor who was the only social one. After story time we played outside a bit and then had lunch.

Hampton eyeing one of Eleanor's puffs.

Yup, I think I'll take one.

Everett's favorite lunch is blueberries, strawberries, crackers, and cheese.
Eleanor fell asleep during her lunch bottle.

After afternoon naps we went outside for some water play. This was Eleanor's first time wearing a swimming suit.

She never got wet, but sure looked cute on the sidelines.

It soon became overcast and we heard rumblings of thunder, so we headed inside.

We were happy to have our friends Abigail and Madilyn join us for the afternoon fun. I love this picture. It just looks like a lot of babies.
We had another great day. For supper we had quesadillas and then all three took a bath together again. After night time stories, it was off to bed! I am now enjoying a cup of tea and will probably crash any moment. Praying for a peaceful, restful evening.

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