Thursday, April 19, 2012

Worth the Work

The past few days we have just had some days at home. Today Everett is recovering from a virus so we are having a jammie day.

Eleanor is getting better at getting Cheerios to her mouth. She still gags occasionally, but is continuing to explore different foods.

The other day Hampton being the comedian he is, thought it would be funny to wear Eleanor's bloomers as a hat. 

Yesterday morning we were on the way to the market and drove by IHOP. Everett asked for pancakes so when we got home I made them some for lunch. It wasn't a quick "go to" lunch. It took some time. But it was worth the work to see them gobble up my whole wheat all natural pancakes with joy.

After naps I could tell the boys were getting a bit bored. It was rainy and cold outside so I decided to set-up some water play. They played in their swimsuits and had so much fun. It was a good hour of activity.

And Sassy joined in on the water fun as well! 

We made some swimming pools for our Little People friends.

It was worth the work for the fun they had. Notice how Eleanor is sitting unsupported! She is getting better at sitting up completely on her own.

All three after the water fun. Hampton is upset because I took away his paci. We are trying to break him from it and it has been hard.

A happier Hampton.

And finally, Eleanor is very blessed with very gracious big brothers who love to give her their toys.

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