Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I tried napping on the sofa this afternoon and failed. My mommy guard is up and even the quiet hum of the dishwasher running upstairs mimics the sound of a baby who could be moaning in need. We have had a rough couple of nights. Starting last Thursday Everett began running a high temperature. He quickly recovered but regressed on Saturday taking Hampton down with him. The cause was an ugly viral infection that has slowly but surely taken down our home. Everett with on and off fevers- Hampton the same, but with an added bilateral ear infection. Both the boys have since recovered, but now Sassy has decided to join in on the fun. Last evening she began to run a high fever and most of the night was up in pain or from vomiting. This morning she has not improved much. Most of the morning she has laid listless on my chest. I have enjoyed the extra snuggles, but I am anxious for her to recover. Thankfully my friend Sally Ann took Everett to preschool this morning since he missed last Thursday (from illness) and it was just the "twins" this am. Hampton was a trooper as I picked up things off the floor with my toes (as not to disturb Eleanor) and he sure enjoyed the extra videos he got to watch. And I am grateful for my new Keurig (early Mother's Day gift) and the hazelnut coffee that sustained me throughout the morning.
Even though the nights....and mornings....and afternoons...can be hard, there is no other place I would rather be. I am so blessed that I am the one that gets to wipe their noses, give them their medication, cool their foreheads with a washcloth, and snuggle them when they are ill.


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