Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating with Friends and Other Fall Things

We had a very fun weekend. I would like to say that Saturday was relaxing, but as Eric would agree-we are far from ever having a relaxing day again. But that is okay. It was relaxing for us. We had plans, but they fell through. However we had great family time. 

Eleanor is enjoying the playmate. It just hit me the other day to take it out of our storage room and give it a try. She is happy.
Saturday while the boys napped I went to the bakery and came home with these festive cupcakes. 
They were enjoyed by all. 
And the boys took a walk in the cool weather. The downward slope of our neighborhood's road helped Everett with his tricycle riding abilities. 
And Monday I decided spur of the moment to take Everett trick or treating. I wanted him to experience it and make a memory. And that we did. I called up our friends Sally Ann and Abigail to join us. So the now neurosurgeon (he decided to not wear his lab coat, so this is what he became) and the ladybug hit one of our local neighborhoods to gather the goods.
They did such a great job! There were plenty of "trick or treat" "thank yous" and "Happy Halloweens" and by the end they went up to a house and did it all by themselves-while the mamas stood on the curb.
There are some scary costumes out there and the littles were a bit phased. The costume that stuck out was a boy with a huge scary pumpkin head. In Abigail's words, "He not good." We got away from him and quick. 
Eric, Hampton, and Eleanor stayed at home to man the fort and hand out candy. When I got home Eric reported that we had run out. Our neighborhood got hit hard this year and we weren't prepared. We had to be those neighbors who had to turn out their porch lights. He also reported that Hampton had a hard time saying goodbye to the children, as he had wanted to go with them. I did run him across the street to our neighbors to "trick or treat." How cute is this gorilla? What is even cuter is when he says "tweet!" for "treat."
Eric got it! A picture of the boys together in their costumes. Not perfect. But together however. 

Happy Halloween and once again......Happy Autumn!

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