Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Full Day

Since Tuesday we spent all day in our pajamas (well leggings and an old undershirt of Eric's for me), we decided to face the world yesterday. It is funny what is now considered a "full day" now with the boys. With my exhaustion level and lack of endurance, we have been staying in much more these days. I only imagine this will be the pattern when Eleanor is born as well. We may just have more of this.......the boys watching their morning video. Then we went to the library's story time. Here is Everett "feeding" the ladybug. Today's theme was bugs.

After the library, we had a little bit of time to kill, so we went to Walmart. I had done our grocery shopping the evening prior and Everett told me he didn't want to go with me. Later he regretted his decision and threw a fit with Eric. So that morning he had been asking to go to Walmart. It was actually really fun because I let Everett pick out all our groceries, including his lunch. He picked out meatloaf, chicken nuggets, and blueberries. Random. Other fun things we normally don't get ended up in our cart as well such as bagel bites, pizza, pretzels, guacamole and chips, and other such things. Very fun.

After lunch we all napped. Then later that afternoon I had an OB appointment. I am now 32 weeks and feeling it. Everything looks really good and according to the doctor, I will more than likely have Eleanor in about 4-5 weeks. I asked what are the odds I will make it to my due date and the answer was less than a 5% chance. That is based on all the crazy Braxton-Hicks contractions I have been having and the fact that I delivered both the boys 3 weeks early. We are getting so excited!

I finally ended the day with a coffee date with Sally Ann. It was nice to unwind after my "busy" day.

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