Friday, January 21, 2011


Wednesday was full of our "normal" routine with a few extras here and there. Everett was a little out of it first waking up, but after a breakfast of waffles and fruit, he was happy.

This baby is always happy in the morning! I love getting him out of his crib first thing in the morning. He squeals with delight!

This morning we went to MOPS at church. Everett cried when I dropped him off, but was playing happily when I went to pick him up. Hampton had a much harder time. MOPS falls during his morning nap and he just can't sleep anywhere that is not his room. Other than that, it was a good morning.

After naps, we played at home. I then made enchiladas for dinner and the babies were so happy to see Eric when he got home. When I know he is near, I usually open up the front door and they wait for him. Ev gets so excited when he see his car pull up! I share in his excitement.

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