Friday, January 21, 2011


Yesterday was fun. In the morning Everett went to preschool and then Hampton and I went to Target for a few things. I missed Everett, but it was nice just getting out with one child. The night before I took Everett with me to Wal-Mart and he told me that was "so fun." He also kept asking where Hampton was since he is not used to being out with me without Hampton.

At noon we picked Everett up from preschool and then came home and had lunch. After a short play time, the babies both napped. After nap they were still a bit out of it, so they watched a video together. I love that they can do this now and it is so cute.

Later in the afternoon, Everett's sweet friend Abigail came over for a playdate. She is younger than Everett, but they are so cute together. Here is my best attempt at capturing a hug.

Another great day with my babies! Looking forward to a family weekend. The three of us always have a good time together, but we miss Dada!

1 comment:

SA said...

So cute! Could you email me that picture?