Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today I......

Today was my day off, so I......

-Slept in until 8 with Eric and Everett

-Fed Everett a yummy breakfast of oatmeal and many blueberries

-Scrounged for my own breakfast, only to come up with toast and veggie bacon

-Had Everett watch Baby Einstein, while I showered and got dressed

-Played hard with Everett

-Fixed Everett a lunch of cheesy potatoes, chicken, and mandarin oranges (a new favorite fruit)

-Put Everett down for a nap around 12

-Left Eric and Everett to dash off and get my eyebrows waxed and pick-up a few things at the grocery store

-Came back, ate lunch with Eric. He had leftovers. I had chips and salsa and a vanilla Coke

-Fixed a yummy treat of microwave smores for Eric and I

-Played Mario Kart with Eric

-Went in to get Everett up from his nap only to discover he had a massive blowout in his crib. Blueberries + poop= disgusting mess

-Gave Everett an emergency bath while leaving Eric to clean-up the mess in his crib

-Looked out the window at the overcast weather and decided going swimming wasn't going to be an option for an afternoon activity

-Played inside with Everett instead

-Listened to Eric play his new banjo

-Let Everett watch another half hour of Baby Einstein again so Eric and I could prepare dinner

-Ate gorditas for dinner

-Kissed Eric goodbye as he headed off for work

-Played hard again with books, listened to music, built tower after tower for him to knock down. Disciplined Everett for touching Daddy's guitar, again.

-Put Everett down for bed

-Did my new Esther Bible Study

-Did Wii Fit

-Wrote this blog post

-I will now proceed back to our bedroom to watch mindless television until I drift off to sleep!

1 comment:

Nana said...

That sounded like such a great day...I wish I could have been there to share it with you and Everett Love you...Mama