Tuesday, May 26, 2009

12 Month Check-Up

As I was walking into the doctor's office for Everett's 12 month well-child appointment, I just couldn't believe that we were there for this visit. The year has really flown by. I can remember a year ago walking in that same office with his carrier, just 2 days after he was born, and being in awe of the whole experience. I couldn't believe I was a mommy. I couldn't believe he was finally here. At that appointment he weighed just 5 pounds and was so tiny! Needless to say...he has definitely caught up. So here is a recap of his health and development. He weighs 27 pounds and is in the 90th percentile for his weight, and is in the 75th percentile for his height (I can't remember how tall he was). I thought it was so funny how the doctor kept referring to him as a "big guy." Developmentally everything seems to be right on target as well. I must brag on him a little bit though. The doctor asked about how many words he has said....we have counted about 6-7 other than "mama" and "dada." The doctor said that was, and I quote, "tremendous" and I was thrilled! Verbally, he is doing so well. We try and think of at least one new word a week to teach him, and he is catching on so well. That was such a proud moment for me. I am so proud of him and how he is developing so wonderfully. As we were driving home from the appointment I told Eric that I felt so rich. To have a healthy and thriving child is such a humongous blessing, that I do not take lightly....especially considering the population that I work with on a daily basis. Everett Grey is the BEST blessing Eric and I have ever received. Thank you Lord!

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