Saturday, April 1, 2017

Hampton's Feet

At Hampton's 7 year check up I had mentioned to Dr. Chu that Hampton continues to walk (although not all the time) on his toes. I truly believe this is just a bad habit that has formed. His doctor suggested seeing an orthopedist. I agreed, as it has been going on for quite some time now. So on Monday, Hampton and I headed to Care Partners Orthotics to have a consult. While in the waiting room we got to take the whole experience as a teaching moment. We browsed a magazine where we discussed prosthetics and why someone might need one. And soon after a veteran came in and showed Hampton his prosthetic leg. It was definitely a learning experience. 
After assessing Hampton, the orthopedist suggested Hampton wear a modified version of an AFO. This would not completely prevent him from walking on his toes, but it would make it very uncomfortable. He showed us an example of what one would look like and Hampton said he was on board. I think the fact that he is going to design them to be Minecraft certainly helped! So next week they should be ready and thus another journey in Hampton's story will begin. So grateful for modern medicine and intervention and a sweet boy who is willing to do whatever it takes!

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