Thursday, September 1, 2016

Eleanor Jane Turns 5

Oh sweet Eleanor Jane. I cannot believe I am writing your birthday post for your 5th year. You are a joy and delight and we have loved watching you grow and learn. Noni came for Elle's birthday and then Gigi the next weekend. She was showered with all things girl. And pink. A few things I want to remember about this little lady:
She loves the color pink. 
She is girly and feminine but tough if she needs to be. 
Sis can outrun her brothers. 
She has recently gotten very into Legos. Girl Legos of course!
She loves to do crafts. Give her a gluestick, crayons, markers, scissors, and glitter and the girl is in heaven. She keeps a craft box for all her creations.
Her favorite Disney princess is Ariel. So was mine as a little girl. 
She still is very attached to her bunny and blankie. Bunny in particular is very loved. 
She loves the water. Swimming may be her favorite thing to do right now. 
She also loves milk and buttered noodles. That was her request for her birthday dinner.
She constantly requests for her and I to have "girl time."
She sleeps well. And is a hard sleeper. Not much wakes her up. 
Eleanor has continued to exceed her height for her age. At her 5 year check up she was in the 90th percentile for height (50th percentile for weight). 
She has started PreK with me this year and I am focusing on her learning her letters and sounds. She will also be starting homeschool enrichment courses next week. 
We love this quirky, girly girl. She is sweet, sassy, and is so much fun!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sweet girl! She is truly a delight! :)