Thursday, April 28, 2016

From Caterpillar to Butterfly

One thing we did this year to celebrate Spring was "raise" caterpillars. A friend told me how they were doing this same thing. I ordered a kit and in a week we received 5 wiggly caterpillars. The boys thought they were neat while Eleanor considered them to be "gross." "I don't like worms." I didn't document it, however I believe it was over the course of a couple weeks we watched them go from caterpillars, then form into their chrysalis and then maybe 2 weeks later emerge as butterflies. The children were mesmerized by the concept of metamorphosis as were Eric and I! After enjoying our butterflies we released them into the backyard a few days later. 
 Encouraging them to "be free in nature" as Everett stated. 


 Seeing if one of the butterflies would go onto their finger. He did not. He made a good choice!
We definitely look forward to making this a tradition every Spring!

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