Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Day in the Life

I love documenting the specifics of our days because they are the most fun to look back and read. Plus it provides a wonderful record and is fun for memory keeping. So this is what a typical summer day looks like for us (Everett-7, Hampton-5, Eleanor-3, Thatcher Reid-2):
6:00-I wake up to the sound of my alarm and run downstairs to make my coffee and get some breakfast (cereal). The children are already awake but downstairs with Eric. I head back upstairs, breakfast in hand, and eat and watch an episode of Seinfeld. After that I do my quiet time and get dressed and ready for the day. I also make our bed and clean up our bedroom. I throw in a load of laundry, set our vacuum to clean the bedrooms and hall, and head back downstairs.
Eric and I then swap and he gets ready for the day and begins his office hours of prepping lectures and doing PhD work. 
I then read and play with the kids. Hampton and I also practice his reading by reading his Dick and Jane storybook. We construct some homemade bookmarks and Everett reads, writes in his journal, and does one of his workbooks. 
I then clean the kitchen and the boys start a puzzle on the dining room table.
 While the tots play downstairs. They also watch an episode of Daniel Tiger.
 Then I get all the children dressed for the day. We then head out to meet our friends (the Kruegers) for lunch and play at Chick Fil A. Jenny and I became very close friends back in the Fall so it does not seem like a normal week unless we have gotten together! The kids had a great time playing in the play place and Jenny and I were able to snack and drink tea and chat. My kind of play date! We then head home and I put the toddlers down for a nap. Eleanor sleeps in the big boys room and has taken a liking to sleeping on the top bunk. She learned how to climb up there without a ladder, so now I just put the ladder down for her. Thatcher naps in the room he shares with Ellie. The big boys watched a movie in the playroom. I then ate some lunch out on our deck, folded laundry, and read some of my book. 
 When the boys were done with their movie, I read aloud to them, Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims. Then we worked on their puzzle together.
Time for the toddlers to wake up! This one has some super cute bed head.
 And she is always a much happier girl when she has gotten a good nap.

 She got stuck up there!
 Then I had Everett read a Little Critters book to me. I then worked on getting dinner together (turkey stir fry) and Eleanor watched me cook and colored at the breakfast table. We then had some time before it was time to sit down to dinner so the children went outside to play on the deck. 

 Time for dinner with Daddy and after I quickly cleaned the kitchen. 
Oh this baby boy and his antics!

After dinner I had scheduled "me time" so I left and went to get a pedicure. Pure bliss! After that I ran by Publix to pick up a few items and then got home just in time to tuck in my babies. After we put them to bed, I folded some more laundry, took a bath, read, and watched Seinfeld with Eric. Bed by 10:00! The days are certainly long, and the summer contains days without as much structure, but I know what a blessing it is to be investing in the lives of these little ones!

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