Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thatcher at 18 Months

My dear, sweet Thatcher baby. What can I say about you? You are the sweetest baby ever. You definitely fit the role of baby of our family. In every way. And we all treat you as such. You wave and say "hello" and "bye" to everyone when we are out. And then give them your toothy grin. You have the best smile. You love to snuggle and give open mouth kisses. You say "mama" and "daeee" and "beep beep" for car……and well a whole other bunch of words. I've lost track. But I am happy with your language development. You are one smart cookie for sure. You keep up with the big kids in and out of our home. At the YMCA, you run around the older children like you are one of them. You have very little fear and can climb a ladder and slide down any slide. You hop on Everett's scooter and try to pedal with your leg. You are a bit of a picky eater, but I think that's just being a toddler. You absolutely love milk and we still cannot get you off of having a bottle. You are the baby. We'll let it slide for now. You love to watch Mickey Mouse, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Curious George. You occasionally still take a morning cat nap and then take your afternoon nap every day. You sleep 11-12 hours at night, still in Eleanor's room. She is not letting you go any time soon (I tried to explain to her we may move you into the boy's room and she had a major dramatic meltdown, crying that you were "her baby."). You got your very first haircut (by mama) last week. When I took you to your 18 month appointment you weighed 26 pounds and were just above the 50th percentile for height/weight and 95th percentile for head circumference. You now also where 18 month clothes and size 5 shoes. 
You are our bubba, Thatcher Reid, our blue eyed baby and we all love you deeply sweet boy. 

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