Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow Day

The weather outside is frigid. And icy. And it's been snowing. So, that means no school for Everett! He went to school 1 day last week (Thursday) and then do to icy conditions had school cancelled Friday. Today was also icy and snowing, so another day off for the Ev. Honestly, I thought I may pull my hair out because I felt like he really needed to go to school. All the children have been going a little stir crazy indoors and not having the option to play outside really can limit us to what there is to do. Thankfully new Christmas toys and more time in front of the television has helped. 

Thatcher has just been a mess lately. Last night he developed a rash all over his pudgy little body due to his antibiotic he was on for an ear infection. He is ATTACHED to me and it makes it hard to do anything with the other children-who are also very needy. But snacks helped today. He loves fig bars from Trader Joes. 
The children got some dot markers from my mom for Christmas and an activity book. They love it! And it kept them busy for a large portion of the morning. 
 And when all else fails, break out the tunnel. We play until it gets too rowdy. Or someone gets hurt. Either, or both are inevitable. 
 Eleanor does a good job of keeping up with her big brothers. 
Also today we played doctor, "cooked" food, colored, ate snacks, watched a movie, played with pirate ships, and read a ton of books. Happy for another day home with my babies. 

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