Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School Party and First Day

Well the day finally came, our first went off to kindergarten! It has gone by so fast. I am so proud of how Everett has done. He is such a big boy. Over the summer we talked a lot about starting school and as the months went by he got more and more excited. To kick off the school year, we started a tradition of having a "Back to School Party." I displayed several books about going to school.

And I made mini apple muffins with apple slices.
Everett's book bag. His lunch box matches.
We then had a scavenger hunt for school supplies. This was so fun!
An even Hampton got in on the action.
He found all the items! We then played pin the worm on the apple.
And they watched a video about starting school.
And then the big day came! Everett was so excited and I was surprisingly calm. I thought I would be more emotional, but his happiness was contagious.
So proud of my big boy! He goes to school from 7:30-2:30. He already has had little homework assignments and I now drop him off in the car rider lane and he goes in by himself and finds his room. When I asked him what his favorite part of school was, he stated, "eating in the cafeteria." Yay school!

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