Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thoughts on Thatcher

I am nearing the end of my pregnancy with Thatcher. In fact, I am now 36 weeks and 1 day. I realized I have not documented much about this pregnancy. That being said, it has been such a whirlwind! I guess having 3 little ones is somewhat distracting. 
At our 20 week ultrasound we found out that Thatcher has a 2-vessel cord. Basically he has one artery coming out of the his umbilical cord instead of  two. It was scary to hear that, but our OB reassured us that it is fairly common. Because of this we have had a few extra (and very detailed) ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy. Praise the Lord because everything so far has looked great! He is a healthy, growing boy and apparently has not been affected by it. Also-it will cause no long-term problems. 
The first trimester with Thatcher I definitely was more sick than I was with Everett and Hampton, however not as sick as I was with Eleanor. I think this definitely had something to do with how active and how much energy having 3 children under 4 requires. Now that I am nearing the end, I am beginning to feel all the pregnancy aches and pains, many Braxton-Hicks contractions, and just overall icky. I feel SO tired all the time! It is worth it always though. 
Today we had another ultrasound and I got to see his squishy little face with chubby cheeks and his button nose. His little hands were covering his mouth, but I could detect cute little lips. He is in position and ready to go! Currently I am now 2 cm dilated. If history were to repeat itself a 4th time, I would have him in 1 week. However, Thatcher may be the rebel of the crew and go longer. 
Especially after seeing him today, my anticipation in meeting this sweet baby has grown even more! I am a little on edge about the "when" but I know God's timing is perfect.

4 months pregnant

6 months pregnant

8 months pregnant

9 months pregnant

Thatcher's crib. 

Hampton "practicing" loving on baby. 

I asked the boys "where's Thatcher?" and they both showed me their bellies.

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