Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Eleanor

Oh my sweet Eleanor.
Eleanor's whole 15 months of life we have called her our sweet Eleanor. And whereas she is incredibly sweet, she is now truly living up to one of her beloved nick names of Sassy.
The girl has a mind of her own! I am so happy she can hold her own with her two big brothers. She squawks at them when they get into her space, or tries to wrestle when her when she doesn't want to. She steals their toys and runs away or knocks down their towers of blocks.
Eleanor says about 5-10 words consistently. She answers yes/no questions. She understands SO much! She can follow simple commands. We laugh at the high pitch of her voice. So cute.
Eleanor eats mostly everything! She is definitely not like mama though and doesn't really care for sweets.
She walked at 13 months and now practically runs. She is very agile like her brother Everett. Poor Hampton wins the prize as of now as the uncoordinated one.
Eleanor has a security item which is a fuzzy pink bunny we named Honey Bunny. She sleeps with him for naps and bed and loves to chew on his ears. So he is always icky. But she loves him.
In fact, she loves all her stuffed animals and carries them around and hugs them. Such a sweet spirit.
Eleanor is  currently completely attached to me. Mama cannot leave a room without her breaking down into tears. She loves for me to hold her. So this usually means if I want to run upstairs for a cup of water or something quick, baby girl goes with me. But I don't mind. I am pretty attached to her too.
Eleanor is the prettiest, sweetest, most lovely girl I know. Her smile is contagious and we all cannot get enough of her!


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