Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some Things to Remember

-You are so smart! You amaze me everyday with your ability to retain small details.
-I do believe you will be musically talented like your daddy. You can hear just a few notes of a song and be able to identify it. You love the Beatles. When daddy plays you a song you always ask for the title and then declare it is your favorite one.
-I have been teaching you a few sight words and you are really picking it up! We look for the words you know in books.
-You can put together a 25 piece jigsaw puzzle with little to no help. 
You have recently learned to love the game Candy Land. 
You have completely memorized the book Good Night Moon.
-We have just recently started to have you wear your big boy underwear throughout the night.
-You are playing very nicely (most of the time) with your brother.
-You and your sister have a special bond. Out of the blue the two of you love on each other. You can tell by the look in her eyes that she just adores you.
-You have figured out how to work the remote controls. If one of your videos end, you can easily start up another (even though you haven't asked permission!)
-You love art projects.
-You still tote around little "treasures" (i.e. a Lego block, a puzzle piece, a piece of pretend food, etc) in a small bag or backpack.
-You always seem hungry!
-You are incredibly agile and athletic.
-You are and always will be a great addition to our family!

-You are our silly boy and the comic relief in our family.
-You are still very social and everyone is your friend.
-You have quite a stubborn streak and will shriek if something is not going your way.
-With your curly blonde hair and glasses, daddy often refers to you as a cartoon character.
-You play nicely (most of the time) with your brother.
-You are a bit rough in your play with your sister though!
-Your language continues to grow and grow. It is just that articulation that I have to work on!
-You love planes, trains, cars (anything that moves really) and will make the appropriate sound effects that go with each one.
-You love the train table at Barnes and Noble and have thrown plenty of fits about leaving.
-You are still unsure about your physical gross motor abilities. You are very cautious. You want to keep up with Everett, but have a hard time.
-You love to sing Yellow Submarine by the Beatles, but only start off the first part....."We all live in a yellow......."
-You have become a very picky eater at dinner time. You often say "no this" to what is presented and blow raspberries in protest. So, it is no dinner for you. You make up for it at breakfast though!
-You love big.
-You are and always will be a great addition to our family!

-I can't believe you are about to turn one!
-You are a very sweet girl. 
-You make a scrunchy face that allows you to live up to your nickname as "Sassy."
-You are in completely in love with your daddy. You light up when you see him.
-You are crawling and climbing everywhere! Your favorite is climbing stairs.
-You are the least picky eater in the family. You have literally eaten everything we have ever put in front of you-from mushrooms, peppers, olives, tofu......you haven't met a food you don't like.
-You love to snuggle, but just for a short time. You are too busy!
-Because you are the youngest to two boys, most of the toys you play with are boy toys. You don't seem to mind though. 
-Lately you have also wanted to wrestle.
-You have a fuzzy pink bunny you love to sleep with.
-You are slender, but tall! And you have the Williamson big head.
-You make a mmmmm sound when you want a kiss.
-You say the words- mama, dada, and no.
-You are and always will be a great addition to our family!

Peanut #4
-You were a very welcome surprise!
-Mommy was so in shock that I took at least 8 pregnancy tests just to make sure!
-You (just like your sister) have made me have a lot of nausea (well worth it!)
-I got to see you as a little kidney bean when you were just 6 weeks. I even got to see your little heart beating.
-You are due in February! Our first winter baby.
-Your brother Everett thinks you are a girl.
-Your family is very excited about you! We can't wait to meet you.
-You are and always will be a great addition to our family!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love this post!!!