Friday, May 4, 2012


Today was another fun day with the babies. I had another 5am wake-up call. This time from Eleanor who was ready to eat. Soon after Everett was ready to start the day. We played all morning at home, which was nice. Hampton was in a much better mood. I was able to do some baking and I organized the upstairs closets. After lunch they all went down for naps.

Everett has been great about napping, but lately his naps have been shorter. I am actually happy about this because it lets me spend some quality time with just him. Lately we have been going outside while the other two sleep (we bring the baby monitors outside with us).

Today Everett rode his tricycle. 

Rode on his scooter.

And blew bubbles.
The weather was so beautiful that when Eleanor and Hampton woke up we decided to go to the arboretum. This wore the boys out! Another great day with my crew, but my goodness am I exhausted!

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