Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yesterday Morning I Went a Little Crazy

My last post was about getting back on track with our daily routine and we are still getting there. So yesterday morning I thought I'd throw a monkey wrench into the whole deal and go crazy. Well- not really...but there were many moments during the morning that I did think that exact thought. I always wanted to be the type of mother that could handle taking our 3 young children anywhere by myself. I envisioned myself toting them with me to run any errand, the doctor's office, etc. Well maybe one day that will occur, but right now it can be a bit nuts. However yesterday I felt energetic and stir crazy in the house, so I decided to take them on an outing. We decided to go the story time at the library. It was a little hairy getting out the door, but once we did we got there and had a lot of fun! The boys really responded to the songs and stories and their favorite thing was dancing with scarves. After we left the library I decided to take them to get Everett's hair cut. It desperately needed to be cut and we just couldn't find the time. So off to Great Clips we went. When we got there it was a bit of a wait and Eleanor needed to nurse, leaving me powerless to control the boys. Thankfully they entertained themselves without getting into too much mischief. Everett had some apprehension about getting his hair cut and halfway through the haircut I took over the shears and cut his hair myself! I still had the pay the full price though-ha! When we left the salon I think I might have even heard a round of applause. I also think my husband was a bit impressed I took that on myself. I am gaining confidence though. Children are unpredictable and not every outing is a success. We have found we measure success by the number of meltdowns that occur/don't occur. It is always a risk, but many times there is a great payoff. I didn't bring my camera with me to document our morning, but I leave you with a picture of my gal-she rolls with the punches and is entertained by the daily chaos that is our life. I love her!

1 comment:

brittany said...

I have been praying for you all! Please send me a note sometime to let me know how things are going! Much love!