Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tired, Fussy, Happy

I feel so frazzled lately that I am not sure where exactly I left off with the blog. The day to day chores and mothering is sometimes overwhelming. I feel like I am constantly chasing messes, cleaning, cooking, baking, doing laundry, et cetera et cetera. It is hard work, but good work. Anyways-it has left me overwhelmed at times and my brain is fried and my muscles are sore by the end of the day. I also have been bombarded at work with long shifts and a big caseload. Not a bad problem to have at all-but 12-13 hour shifts leave me exhausted as well. Blessed to only work outside the home two days a week though. Enough complaining. Here are thoughts/what has been going on in pictures.......

I know I am a bit biased, but this little girl is beautiful! I love her pouty lips, her cute button nose, and her deep blue eyes. She smiles with her entire face as well. I am in love.
Proof though that she is not always happy. Fussiness if thankfully very rare however.
Noni came to visit over the weekend and we all picked right where we left off.

And Gigi has been here the past two days. Sweet Eleanor fell asleep in her arms this afternoon.

Today we went to the library for storytime. Hampton loves it!

This picture is a bit blurry because I was in a hurry to snap a photo of both boys together. They have been playing with one another more and more lately. When Everett is trying to get Hampton to go somewhere with him he takes him by the hand and leads him. This has led to me witnessing my two boys walking around the house hand in hand. My heart can't take it! Sure they bicker about sharing and Everett will give the occasional shove or even hit Hamp, but they do have their sweet brother moments. I chose to store those memories away.
We have had a good few days. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend with absolutely no plans. Just the day to day-plus Dada!

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