Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oh Boy

I love my boys. They keep my life active and me on my toes at all times. They wear me out. They are fun.

Yesterday Hampton's Croc got a little caught on the carpet and down he went. He laid there on the floor for a good 5 minutes. He didn't cry, whine, or whimper. He just laid there. The line from A Christmas Story came immediately to my mind- "Randy lay there like a slug. It was his only defense." That is so Hampton.

Oh I love this boy. He holds a very special place in my heart. And he is going to turn 2 next week. I can't believe it. Trying to think of ways of celebrating his 2 precious years of life has been challenging. I want him to know-even at the age of 2-how special he is to our family.

And this boy is special too. He is still getting up at 5am, but has decided a mid-afternoon nap is necessary. I am so glad for that. He is playing more and more with Hampton-almost to the point where he always wants Hampton to join his activity. Hampton sometimes goes willingly-and sometimes he does not! The other night Hampton was having a hard time getting to sleep and was whining in his crib. Later that night when Eric had went to check on the sleeping babes, he found some toys in Hampton's bed. From the clues Ev left behind, he had gone downstairs to the playroom, gathered up a few toys, and brought them to Hampton. I was surprised we didn't even realize he had done this, but it also warmed my heart that he was so loving. I am seeing more and more of this lately.

AND........Everett is now 5 weeks seizure free! He has regulated to the medicine and is doing great. We are so grateful.

And finally....I had to add in a picture of the beautiful sunset I took from our back deck last night.

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