Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Weekend Gotta Getaway

It was Thursday evening- I had taken Everett to an unexpected trip to the doctor. Eleanor was with us as well. We had waited in the waiting room for over an hour. We were at the office for almost two hours! I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was shocked. I looked tired. No. I looked exhausted. I realized I had job burn out. Not my job as a speech pathologist, but my job as a mother. I needed renewal. Refreshment. Just to get away for a quick minute. So, on the way home.....while Everett was in the backseat whining about something and Eleanor was screaming.....I called my mom and asked if she could watch the babies for Friday night and the following day. My sister and her boyfriend Jed were visiting and all three agreed to come help us out. I then called the Grove Park Inn and made a reservation. I was so excited, and so was Eric. 

Our room.
Friday evening we went to the Inn's Sunset Terrace. We had gone before when we were there for our honeymoon. It was too cold to eat out on the terrace, but it didn't matter. The atmosphere was lovely. The food was fantastic. And the company? Well let's just say we are really in to each other. It was perfect. 
After dinner we meandered around the inn enjoying all of the beautiful Christmas decorations. 
I just loved all the themed Christmas trees. 
And the Grove Park Inn is host to the National Gingerbread Competition. This was one of my favorites. 
The next morning we enjoyed room service for breakfast.....in our white fluffy GPI robes! We went back and forth about going to the spa, however it was a gorgeous day and we just had to get out and enjoy it. Complete freedom had caused us to not want to commit to just one thing. So we went Christmas shopping and ate lunch at a cafe with discussion of what this next year will bring. One thing is for sure-we agreed this must be an annual getaway. We came back refreshed and renewed, and if possible...that much closer. SO thankful for my family that made the weekend possible!

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