Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Homework, Weekend, and Teeth

We had a very fun-filled busy weekend. Nonny came to visit. But first off though......

On Thursday at preschool Everett was given his very first homework assignment. He had to decorate the feather for the classroom turkey. The instructions were he was to do it all by himself with very little guidance. So I gave him a few craft items and this is what he came up with. 
Last weekend my mom brought her two dachshunds with her. Suprisingly Maggie got along with both of them, which was great. So in honor of my mom's dachshund I put Eleanor in this cute dress.
Last weekend was a breath of fresh air for our marriage. Eric and I have practically had no time alone since Eleanor has been born, and even before that. So Friday night we had the opportunity to attend an event at our church. It was called Secret Church and was on marriage and family. It was a simulcast with David Platt as the speaker. It was amazing. And long. Seven hours to be exact and worth every minute. On Saturday we got to sleep in a bit and then went to Panera Bread for breakfast and then went shopping. Eleanor came with us, but it is still so much easier with one child! When we got home my mom and I went to the aboretum to hike one of the trails. It was such a gorgeous day and the sky was so blue!
We spent a lot of time doing this......looking at a map! 
Everett has fun when Nonny comes to visit. Especially when she gifts him with gingerbread cookies in the shape of a turkey!
Saturday evening Eric and I attended our friends annual Autumn party. It was fun to get out again on our own.
And none weekend related, but worth noting....I took Everett to the dentist today for his 6-month check-up. I actually took all three children.....by myself.....to the dentist.....and it wasn't a disaster. I am happy to report that Everett has no cavities and in the words of Dr. Jackson has "handsome teeth."
I am looking forward to a bit of "down time" with the children this week full of stay-at-home activites, crafts, and baking. 

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