Hampton weighs almost 28 pounds and is in the 50-75th percentile. He is in the 75th percentile for height. His head circumference is in the 95th percentile. Hampton met and even excelled in all of his milestones with the exception of gross motor skills. Hampy is still not walking! He has demonstrated all the signs of almost walking. He cruises, stands for a few seconds on his own, climbs stairs and on top of furniture, and he even climbed down the ladder to our play set outside. He is just so unsure of letting go and taking steps independently. Our pediatrician recommended PT and at this point I am all for it. I am a firm believer in early intervention (which is good since I am a therapist myself!) and I am ready for some tips and an outside facilitator. I am going to try to schedule appointments while Everett is in preschool so I will only have Hampton and Eleanor. I am going to look at it as being a fun experience. Other things I want to remember about Hampton......
-He is very extroverted! He loves people and is social with perfect strangers.
-He is saying "no" a lot lately-including when I ask him to try to walk.
-His vocabulary expands every day. He says over 20 words and it keeps growing. For example, today he added "pumpkin" and "eat"
-He loves Everett-most of the time. He loves to give him hugs and open mouth kisses.
-He often will share his toys.
-He wears 18-24 month clothing.
-He also loves his baby sister and is a bit too rough with her!
-He loves to watch "Melmo" aka Elmo.
-He is super sweet and cuddly. On the same token, he'll turn on you in a second! He has a funny way of "yelling" at you. He has also recently had a problem with hitting and biting. This boy is definitely going to give us a run for our money.
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