Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yay Books!

This morning we went to story time at our library. Today's theme was birthday parties. Blurry picture once again, taken from my phone-I keep forgetting to grab my camera. Everett likes to sit in the back of the room for story time. Hampton however likes to be in the center amongst all the kids. He is so social! I was impressed watching him from the back of the room as he was able to follow directions from the librarian. For example, she would say clap your hands or pat your head - and he would do it! She also brought out a cow puppet and he squealed saying "moo moo!"

After story time we went and checked out a few books. I got "Dick and Jane" to read to Everett. Everett even got a free book today since he has now completed the summer reading program. I also checked out the first Harry Potter book for myself. I thought it would be fun to start that series.

Here are the babies outside the library. It was a bit tricky holding Hampton, my purse, and our books while also holding Everett's hand out in the parking lot. We made it to our van thankfully, but I was praying no one would melt down before we got there. They saved the meltdowns for the car ride home!

I am not so sure if I will be able to manage this type of outing with three little ones. I'd like to think that I could, but I am also trying to be realistic. Thankfully Everett starts morning preschool (Tuesdays and Thursdays) later this month. I will then be down to two those mornings.

I am so excited to meet our little girl! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we'll see if any progress has been made. If I have her when the boys were born, that is only a week and a half!

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