Sunday, July 17, 2011

Showered with Love

This past week I have felt an overwhelming amount of love, blessing, support, and encouragement. Last Wednesday Eric's office threw us a baby shower. The ladies took me out to lunch at a really nice restaurant at a bed and breakfast. The food was so good and it was just nice to eat in peace with the ladies. After lunch we went back to Eric's office and everyone had cake. Eric had taken the boys to the playground during the lunch and they had returned to join in the cake as well. Everett was of course pleased with dessert. The cake was almond from the Black Mountain Bakery. It was so good! Most everyone went back for seconds.

Hampton had some as well.

Then last night the girls from our home group threw me a shower. I was so excited to just have a girls night. They definitely went over the top and again, I felt so blessed. We ate outside and the table was set to perfection. One of the girls made up a menu and everyone had name plates.

The menu included: roast beef and arugula sandwiches with goat cheese, a strawberry salad in a Parmesan bowl (which was edible and delicious), cheese, apples with caramel dip, and yeast rolls. Yum!

Jordan, who hosted the shower, made this cake. I can't believe her talent. She will have to share her baking skills with me.

If the shower wasn't enough, they blessed us with some sweet gifts for Eleanor Jane.

So grateful for these girls and their friendship.

It's been so fun to add to Eleanor's closet. I am definitely getting more and more excited about her arrival. It won't be long!

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