Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day Trip

Yesterday we woke up at 6 am (the babies were our alarm clock) and wondered what we would do that day. We suddenly felt the urge to get out of the house and go on an adventure. So we called Gigi (Eric's mom) to see if she would like to join us. She agreed and so we headed to Greenville, SC. We met at Mimi's Cafe and I was so excited. When we were living in Louisville we went to Mimi's all the time and oh how we miss it! The boys were so excited to see Gigi and it was such a great surprise for them.

They are Mimi's fans as well and loved the muffins and chocolate chip pancakes.

Everett being silly.

After brunch, we went to the zoo. Everett kept saying we were going to the jungle.

The elephants were the first to greet us.

So it was hot. Really hot. 95 degrees hot. We knew it would be warm so we dressed in cool clothing and had plenty of water. I also doused the babies in sunscreen due to their fair skin.

Hampton squealed when he saw this! He was so cute pointing at all the animals.

After the zoo we went to Coldstone to get some ice-cream! It was a great end to our trip. We then said goodbye to Gigi and headed home. Within minutes this little miracle happened.....

We were going to make a stop for some cheap gas, but decided against it for fear of waking the babes. We joked that even if we saw a sign for free gas we wouldn't stop. A peaceful drive is worth it.

Another great family day full of activity and making memories.

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