Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Target, Ducks, and Eggs

The title pretty much sums up our day. This morning (which started very early at 6) the boys and I went out to Target. Everett had gotten some Easter money (3 dollars to be exact) so I put it in his wallet and off to Target we went. His first purchase was a juice box. He insisted on sitting at the table in the cafe to enjoy it (while Hampton and I watched!)

When we were leaving the store a woman stopped and compliment the boys on how beautiful they were. Everett just eats up this kind of attention and exclaimed, "And we're having a sister!"
I continue to tell him that she is going to be a ballerina, and this thrills him to no end. He's got a thing for adoring ballerinas every since we introduced him to The Nutcracker last Christmas.

After nap, we went to the Sara Lee bakery outlet and picked up some "duck food" which is really just a loaf of marked down bread. We then headed to Lake Julian with the intent of feeding the ducks.

Unfortunately the ducks must have had their share of bread today because they weren't all that interested. Everett didn't mind. Especially when he spotted the playground.

Hampton will have his time on the playground once he decides it is time to walk. For now, he just enjoys being on Mama's hip.

We then walked around the docks and watched people fish. Everett really seemed to enjoy that. After dinner (I made home made Sloppy Joes and we had melon with it) we dyed some eggs.

This was really fun. It is hard to not stress out about the mess, but I think we did pretty well.

This is what Hampton did to entertain himself while we were dyeing the eggs- played with the wax paper.

The finished product! We are planning on hiding them in our back yard this weekend for an Easter egg hunt.

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