Monday, March 21, 2011


This past weekend was a whole lot of nothing that felt like a whole lot of "stuff." Does that make sense? I guess with two small children a weekend with "nothing" to do, still feels like you are doing a whole lot. Saturday I worked and Eric spent the day with the boys. I have picked up a weekend day of work for the next few months, so Eric will have one day just for the "boys." Saturday they stayed home all day and just played.

Everett giving a little bit of "sass." He almost always protests getting his picture taken.

Everett apparently telling Hampton something very important.

On Saturday night our babysitter graciously babysat (last minute) so Eric and I could go on a date. We went to a local Italian restaurant we have been wanting to try. It was fun and afterward the only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay down. So we went home. But it was fun to get out for a little bit.
Sunday morning Eric graciously allowed me to sleep in.....
A change of Everett's "motivator" for pottying has quickly allowed him to be very successful. He is now telling us he has to go potty! This has made us soooo happy!

Everett asking to do what he always asks to do every morning, "Can I go downstairs and play!?!"

Even though I slept in (well, got up at 7:30.....that's sleeping in around here) I made breakfast. I made cinnamon raisin French toast. This was the boys' second breakfast, but they didn't mind!

That morning we went to Barnes and Noble for a snack and to play with the train table.

We have now started going to church on Sunday nights. The message is the same as in the morning; however the boys have had strange sleep patterns the past few days (waking up really early and taking shorter naps), so we stayed home to get them to bed early. Needless to say they still woke up at 6 am this morning! Hopefully this is a short-lived phase. Another good weekend. I love this weather. I hope it keeps up because I am ready to break out their Spring clothes and play outside!

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