Wednesday, November 10, 2010


We can not go out today, said our little boy Evy Grey. We have the sniffles and the flu, we're throwing up and coughing too.
Our household has been sick! It started out with Eric feeling "funny" on Sunday morning. Then by Sunday night I began vomiting. 1:00 am, we awoke to Everett throwing up. Eric was so gracious to clean up that mess, since I could not move from being so weak. 4:00 am, we awoke to Hampton throwing up. Everett still had not gone back to sleep and Hampton was up for the day as well. It was time to call in reinforcements, and so we did. Eric called his mom who came up to help us for the day, thank goodness. Also, Eric had to delay leaving for his business trip until later in the day. We are better now. We are still not fully recovered with the respiratory stuff, but we are getting there. What an experience though! I have heard about passing the flu around to members of the family, but this was the first time we all experienced it. Praying for a healthy cold/flu season without too much drama!

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