Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Deep Breath

We have added several things to our calendar. We have gotten involved with a community mom's group and went to a playdate on Monday morning. I considered not writing about how that playdate was because I don't really want to remember what went down, but maybe, just maybe one day I'll look back and laugh. It was horrible. I enjoyed getting a few minutes of chat with the other moms, but Everett's behavior was right off of Supernanny and I am not just being dramatic. He wailed, he threw markers, he threw food, he tantrumed, he ran off.....I was mortified! What happened to my child!?! I left without a shred of dignity (although I am positive the fellow mamas totally understood) and went home to re-evaluate and pray. I have let some of the discipline of Everett's behavior slide and now it was time to get back on track. The playdate from you know where happened for a reason and well, it happens.

Everett also started preschool yesterday. I had to work so Eric took some pictures from me. Eric said he cried when he dropped him off, but our babysitter said he was doing great when she picked him up. The teacher's report was that he did well and liked music class the best. Everett's report was "school fun" and "playground." I think he'll love it.

This morning we started MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) at our church. Everett cried at drop-off, but quickly recovered. In fact, he cried about leaving. Are you sensing a theme here? It was great to connect with other moms of young children and I know I'll love going to that group.
Overall, I know we'll go through phases of behavior ups and downs, but through prayer and discipline we can stay on track. Some days are amazingly smooth and others have their share of bumps. And although I see this face a lot these days.......

I wouldn't have it any other way! I am a tired, worn-out woman at the end of the day. But I love it. I love the peanut butter on the wall, the Thomas the Train underwear I am so tired of washing, the pile of diapers throughout the house, the toy cars I constantly step on......I love it all.

1 comment:

Amy said...

ok, inquiring minds want to know-how did peanut butter get on the wall? I'm so glad you had a great time at MOPS. Hang in there, I think of discipline as training, and tell myself Wyatt won't know what is right if I don't train.. it sounds better in my head and makes me feel better through the bad days, anyway. :)