Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our Everett Grey

My big boy is growing up. I am not sad. I am thrilled. Just over the past few weeks I feel like our Everett is really becoming a "big boy." Last week in the mail he got his new book bag, or "pack-pack" as he calls it, for preschool. He runs around the house wearing it proudly. He has really gotten into coloring lately and makes me all sorts of fun pictures to hang on the fridge. He is really into jumping and hopping. He wants to hop everywhere. He suddenly became interested in his tricycle and playing with PlayDoh. He is my "helper boy" and runs and fetches me items as I need them. He is growing braver around other kids. At the park last week and at Barnes and Noble he played near other children and showed little fear. He has really adapted well to the church nursery. He loves Hampton and acts like a big brother, showing him things, cuddling him, and helping us out by tossing diapers in the trash, fetching diapers, giving him his paci, etc. His personality is really exploding and he is such a funny, quirky, and love able little boy. And I must say he is beautiful. I love his big brown eyes, his alabaster skin, and his soft wavy/curly hair. What is that they say? That every mama crow thinks her babies are the blackest? Well, I guess it's true. Eric and I are so blessed to call him ours. What a great addition to our family.

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