Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today I had another great day with my boys. I started the day off with dressing them in coordinating outfits and attempting a photo shoot. I don't do this often because I am terrified for Hampton's safety! Everett just has a love (borderline obsession) with his baby brother. He "wuvs" him oh so much. I guess so much that he has to hurt him! Everett: "Hug Hantin."
Me: "No No Everett! No touch!"

Hampton: "Why!?!?"

Well anyways, after that I soon realized Everett was out of diapers so it was off to Target we went. It's funny- going out with the babies all by myself can either make me feel like Superwoman or a mess of a woman. There is at least a 30 min prep time. It is a lot of work. However, I do love Target so it was worth it. I could form a mom's community group based on the amount of mamas walking around that store with their babes at 10:30 on a Tuesday morning. I guess we all needed to get out of the house!
My baby boy in the front of the cart.

My big boy riding in the back. I barely had room for the items I needed!

In the baby aisle I stumbled across these. Um, is this for real? I later told Eric who was disappointed I didn't purchase them. So funny!

I did find a new beverage I decided to try out. Very refreshing.

After we got back it was lunch and naps for both babies. Then I got a bit of a break and caught up on The Bachelorette. After naps we all played downstairs for a while. Poor Maggie had to go to extreme measures to remind me she needed food and dragged her food bowl of her crate. Pitiful looking, but what a smart dog!

Hampton just relaxing and letting it all hang out.

During one of Hampton's afternoon naps, I brought out a new magnet toy for Everett to play with. He immediately started to sort out all the letters according to their color.

We then ended the day with meatloaf for dinner, bath, story, and lots of snuggle time! I now feel completely exhausted, but completely content and overwhelmingly blessed!

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