Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Career Girl

For the past few months (6 months to be exact) I have had the joy and pleasure of being at home full time with my babies. As much as I have enjoyed this, I cannot say that I am not eager to get back to work. That is not to say that being at home all day, every day is not work. Believe me, I know it is. There are many days where I just fall into bed completely exhausted from caring for an infant and chasing a wild toddler. However, I absolutely love being a speech therapist and I have really missed it these past few months. It is a part of who I am and I have worked hard to get here.

So, I will be working Tuesdays and Thursdays (about 16 hrs a week) at a long-term care facility roughly about 45 minutes away. I may just enjoy that commute. On Monday and Tuesday this week I was in Durham (about 4 hours away) doing some training/orientation. It was my first time staying in a hotel by myself and it was kind of exciting. I am leaving the world of pediatric rehab and moving into the adult world and I know it will be a professional challenge, but a good one.

So I will need to change my mindset on Tuesdays and Thursdays from: breastfeeding, swaddling, cheerios, Barney, playdoh, naps, changing diapers, burping, blocks, cars, burp cloths, and pacifiers to: aphasia, dementia, swallow studies, cognition, lanugage,tongue depressors, diagnostics, report writing, oral motor exercises, diet modifications, feeding, medicare, and the list goes on.

I feel so blessed the Lord has given me a job where I can be at home more with the babies. We have found an excellent babysitter and Everett will be starting preschool for two mornings a week (the days I work) and I am so excited for him! We have gone through so many changes these past 6 months, but we feel so blessed!

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